Partnership Working
Working in partnerships with parents is something we pride ourselves on, and feel our level of communication and transparency with the parents is very important, it is such a huge part of our approach at the nursery. We want every family to feel part of our extended nursery family.
Our first and most important partnership is with the children’s first and most enduring educators; their parents and careers! We value and respect the unique and special bond which parents have with their children and draw on this wealth of information to get a holistic view of the child. It is key that we work together to provide a consistent and secure approach to your child’s individual needs, whether that is weaning, sleep routines, toilet training or learning a new language. Communication lies at the heart of this relationship and our staff will ensure that they establish effective partnerships so that we can share vital information between home and nursery; it is this information that really allows the nursery experience to be tailored for your child and family. Daily conversations and Tapestry lie at the heart of this partnership, as well as reports and parents meetings. Through these approaches we ensure that you are kept fully up to date on your child’s development and their next steps and have input in to what you would like the staff to help develop. At The Cottage Nursery we aim for all of our parents to feel welcome, valued and that they can approach any of our team to discuss their child and it really is something that we welcome and value!
It is also fundamental that as a setting we maintain excellent partnerships with other professionals who may be involved in supporting children and families. We work closely with a variety of professionals across the early education field and welcome outside agencies in to our setting. We have established excellent relationships with the Health Visiting service and professionals from the local learning authority (Starting Life Well) to ensure that we have a strong support network in place for children and families if needed. We have also worked with a variety of medical professionals such as Speech & Language Therapists, Educational Psychologists and Physios and really value their specialist input; their advice is always acted upon and we have made fantastic progress previously for children through working closely with them. These partnerships are vital to us and allow us to meet the individual needs of children to ensure that they have the best possible start.