We believe that all children should have access to as many additional experiences as possible and this is why we offer lots of additional classes for all the children across the nursery to take part in. These classes are delivered by external professionals and something that we just provide without any additional cost. The Badgers and Butterflies class have the opportunity to take part in ‘Tiny Talk (baby sign), ‘Jo Jingles’ music lessons and ‘Lingotots’ French lessons weekly. Whilst Pre-Prep & Prep 1 Junior have ‘Jo Jingles’, ‘Lingotots’, Gynmastics & Dance session weekly.
At the Cottage Nursery we believe in enriching the children’s learning by organising trips off site. All ages of children are taken on mini local excursions to explore the world around them. This may consist of visiting the post box to send a letter home, visiting the shops to buy ingredients for baking or a trip to the park. This allows the children to make links between real life and their learning experiences.
The Prep 1 Junior children attend three big trips over the year. These are generally linked to an area of learning or something special like Christmas! The children have the opportunity to go on a coach and visit an exciting attraction such as the zoo. The children love these trips and it really develops their confidence and independence as they visit somewhere new and exciting with their friends. The trips offer the children the chance to bring their learning to life and discover so much more about a topic. All trips are carefully organised, staffed effectively and have detailed risk assessments in place. There is also the opportunity for some of our lovely parents and grandparents to come along and join in the fun as a helper!
As part of our preparation for getting the children school ready, Pep 1 Junior have the opportunity to take part in Sports Day which is organised along side our sister nursery and Prep school. The children engage really well with this event and it really builds their confidence, independence as well as their reliance. The children demonstrate great team work throughout this event and one which is loved by the whole family.