The youngest children in the nursery are cared for in the Badgers group where they remain until around 14 months old. We understand that children of this age need familiar faces therefore our friendly Badgers team provides this consistency for our youngest children. There are plenty of opportunities throughout the day for cuddles and quiet 1:1 time, whether sharing a story together or having a sing song. Our key person system allows the children to build special, loving and secure relationships with staff, resulting in babies who feel loved, relaxed and free to explore and learn in a safe and stimulating environment. Babies settle in to the warm, homely environment of Badgers quickly and happily, using their own comforters if needed. Relationships with parents are more important than ever at this stage and we positively promote and provide opportunities to work alongside you as parents/carers.
There is a strong focus on the three Prime Areas of learning at this early age. These key areas of learning are Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development & Communication and Language. Consequently, the staff ensure that activities are targeted around developing these key skills with your baby. We always ensure that there are a variety of stimulating activities to catch the interest of our Badgers. Lots of time is given over to promoting early language through high quality interaction at all times. The staff are also experienced in helping our little ones make the leap to being independent walkers and will work with each child at their individual level to provide plenty of support in their physical development; from reaching out to touch activities, to supervised tummy time to supported walking around the room – we will be there every step of the way!